Thursday, 31 May 2007


Moved away from the terrible MySpace, and into the light! I got a Facebook account!!! if you fancy adding me :D

Anyway, didn't do a lot today. Got a bit of Physics revision done. I say revision, I actually mean "I taught myself part of the course". Damn you Winslow & Jackson.

Tuesday, 29 May 2007


Got back yesterday from a nice weekend camping with Scout Network.

There is definitly something to be said for having a rave in a marquee at 2am! Absolutely brilliant weekend, but I'm knackered now!

Anyway, getting back into the swing of revision tomorrow, since I do have a 2 Physics exams and a Maths exam in about 9 days :| Not good!

Spent a lot of today working on the Bristol-ATC forum, added some new stuff onto it for a change!

Came home from camp to find a LOAD of robot posts on the forum, advertising some porn. Clicking on the links, however, (don't ask why I did it 8-]) installed a lovely virus on your computer. Luckily I wasn't stupid enough to run the file, but just be on the lookout!

Monday, 21 May 2007

How do you say it?

Just thought earlier, I have no clue how people actually say "Linux". I pronounce it "Leenux", but a load of people say "Lienux".

How do you say it?

Sunday, 20 May 2007

Work. Yay.

Don't we all love work... actually got round to doing some this afternoon!

Got some Computing revision in before the exam on Tuesday (eep.)

Anywho, also did ATC on Bristol's European Adventure at Rotterdam (FSX has some nice scenery of the town, I wish I'd been flying!) for a short while, and then came off to revise (boooo!)

Found a lovely piece of Software earlier... whilst looking for an Outlook alternative (I miss Outlook 2007 BETA like a... erm... think I miss a lot?):

Mozilla Sunbird

Yeah, hardly the most attractive title, but its a nice piece of software!

Unfortunatly, it's not as nice looking as Outlook 07 (which did actually take my breath away), but it'll do for now ;) I'm going to look into new styles, and I'll get back to you on that one!

Anyway, better go revise... and by revise I mean sit on MSN staring blankly at CP2 revision on the other monitor 8-)

Saturday, 19 May 2007

PHP function of the week

This week's PHP function of the week is.....


Found myself making a BB Code interpreter for Bristol-ATC Training, and ended up using this LOTSSSSS. I have to admit, I stole the final code from a code database though. I'm rubbish with regex stuff... must learn it some time.

Gimme beer money

Okay, by reading this you have agreed to give me some money... but the thing is: it dosn't cost you anything!

Please click on the links at the bottom of this page, and just have a click around their site... you may find something you like!

It may seem silly, but this actually gives me money, and then I may be able to afford some hosting, to get my old site back! I miss it loads :(


Welcome to the new blog!

Welcome welcome, one and all... to my new blog!

This is only temporary while I find a host for my own site, but I thought I'd keep you up to date through this instead!

Well... an update on my life at the moment...

I'm right in the middle of AS exams (urgh) and should probably be revising right now... but what the hell!

I'm working on the Bristol-ATC Training site, their forum and the main site... basically doing everything web-based at the moment.

I'm not doing a lot else...

There's my life, summed up in a few paragraphs! Expect more ramblings soon!