Tuesday, 29 January 2008

iPhone Tariffs updated!

o2 are updating the tariffs for iPhone as of 1st Feb!

£35 p/m now gets you 600 minutes and 500 texts

£45 p/m = 1200 minutes and 500 texts

£75 p/m = 3000 minutes and 500 texts

Rolling out to existing users as of 1st Feb, complete by mid-March at the latest :D


You can now also get o2 "Bolt-ons" for extra cash, most interesting for me being the "Unlimited anytime texts" for only an extra £7.50 per month.


Apparently all iPhone UK users will get a text from o2 when the conversion is complete :D

Can't wait, I went well over my texts last month!

Sunday, 27 January 2008

My life: update!

I'm annoyed at my computer right now. Are there any trojans going the round right now? :S My PC seems to slow to a crawl one minute, and then be fine the next :( I think its dying/infected - and either way I want rid of it!!!

Managed to get next draft of Physics coursework done this weekend - but then the bloody printer ran out of ink, and I've got none spare :( Have to wait for a Viking order to come through now!!! At least I've got an excuse for not doing Computing coursework though :D Hehe

I'm fed up of Poynton. That's enough said on the matter, although things are looking up slightly! School still blows though...

Thats about it for my life at the moment... interesting isn't it?!

Durham Interview

Note: Had written this on Thursday, but forgot to post it! Haha!

Durham interview went well today! Apparently will be receiving an offer of AAB within the next few weeks, which isn't too bad! Also heard back from York, they want AAB including Maths!

Josephine Butler college at Durham is extremely nice, en-suite rooms, lovely bar (:P), free gym... loads! The kitchens for the flats were actually nice as well!

Sadly, the choice isn't too clear cut between York and Durham, since Durham's Computer Science facilities didn't really impress me much (no reference to the song!), whereas at York the CS department is awesome!!!

I'm off to see Nottingham next Wednesday - that still looks like my first choice, with York/Durham forming the back-up offer (I know it sounds stupid, having a first place offer lower than the reserve!). I did learn, however, that Nottingham has the highest rate of student crime in England... may leave my phone at home!!!

Really enjoyed looking round Durham campus though, since it was a week-day I got to see more of the uni at its busiest - and I liked what I saw!

Saturday, 19 January 2008

York Interview

Just got back in from a fun day at York University, just had my interview for Computer Programming & Software Engineering!

The day was quite enlightening, they have brilliant facilities within the CS building, and they're moving to the new site in 2010, when I'd be away on a sandwich year, but means I'd get my BEng and MEng years in brand new facilities! I wasn't sure about the hardware part of the course before I went, but I'm fairly taken with it now!

Can't say much for the other candidates, the ones I met were either over-the-top nerds, or drunks. The other CS students I met were nice though, Campus tour of all the bars went down well - even though they were closed!

Interview went quite well, I was able to get into some detail about my CP5 project for A2 Computing, which the guy seemed fairly interested at, so we shall wait and see!

Next up: Durham on Wednesday!

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Changes in 1.1.3

Well, I have to say I'm fairly impressed with the 1.1.3 update I blogged about earlier. Even after my PC crashed and then started the download all over again -.- urgh.

The "Find Me" service on Maps isn't too brilliant it seems... it told me that I am currently somewhere in Poynton. Well duh!

The changing of the home screen is quite nice, however I don't like the shakey effect when changing icons around - I think it looks tacky!

I'm yet to see movie rentals for the UK...

Multiple texts is a bonus though!

On another note - the "MacBook Air" has been shown off to the world (well... the people who were at MacWorld - I'm still waiting for the video to be released!). Not that I'd want a Mac anyway...

iPhone 1.1.3 update

iPhone software update 1.1.3 has been released! Don't know if Steve Jobs has just announced it at Macworld or something, but iTunes now recognises the update, and its downloading for me as I write this!

Unfortunately, several million other iPhone owners are doing the same, so download speeds are quite low - it's going to take about 90 mins to download :'(

New features (from the download menu when you start the update):

  • Updated maps
    • "Find me"
  • Multiple SMS
  • Updated home screen
    • 9 simultaneous screens side-by-side
    • Safari bookmarks on home screen

and a couple more I forgot before clicking "next"!

I will post and tell you all how it goes! 83 mins left!

Friday, 11 January 2008

Maths C3 != fun

Just got back home after the Maths C3 exam - SO GODDAMN HARD!

I couldn't do half of the questions, and hence don't have very high hopes :(

Brilliant confidence booster for the Physics resit in 43 mins - eeek!

Thursday, 10 January 2008

Lack of blogging

Well, you can all imagine why I've not been blogging much recently... I've got an iPhone!

Yes, almost 1 year to the day of it being announced at Macworld - I hold in my hand the epitome of cool.

The adverts really can't show it at all, its an awesome bit of kit, only got a few complaints:

  • No multiple texts
  • No MMS
  • Headphone jack
  • Home button
  • Applications "crash" to the home screen quite often

Most problems should be fixed with the 1.1.3 update, however, which hopefully is out next week, being announced at MacWorld!

Anyway, back to life...

Got exams this week, had Maths C2 yesterday (went okay, thought of an answer as soon as I left the hall though :( there goes 5 marks). Got Physics resit and Maths C3 tomorrow - fun. I intend to have a fun time at Nic's party tomorrow evening though - I may not make it home!

Handed in my Physics coursework, a month before I had to :o! I'll wait and see if it comes back though, teacher's still had my last piece for 3 months without marking it -.-

I'm rather depressed about going back to school, would much rather be off to Uni tomorrow!

On the subject of Uni - I've had offers from Kent, Nottingham and Edinburgh so far, and have interviews at York and Durham! Kent want me to visit though, which means a 6 hour journey on the train just to get there :( May have to drive... somehow!